Business Valuations

Business Valuations by CFO Solutions-NW, LLC

Meaningful Valuation of Your Business

Trust the valuation of your business or potential business to certified professionals. We determine the value of startups, closely held companies, professional practices, partnerships, LLCs, and other types of businesses and business interests. The need for an appraisal may arise from acquiring new funding, marital dissolution, estate planning, shareholder buyouts or disputes, employee options, sale of businesses, or business planning.

Business valuations are required for many situations, including mergers and acquisitions, bankruptcies, litigation, estate planning, and other financial reasons. Among other factors, we analyze company profitability, risk, location, competition, history, customers, assets, services, and products.

We use various business valuation approaches (e.g., market-, income-, and asset-based valuation). Each approach also utilizes multiple valuation methods.

Business Valuations Certifications are earned by professionals with training, education, and experience in appraising companies. Our professional staff has certifications issued by the National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts.

Approaches to Value

The appraisal profession recognizes three broad approaches to valuing a business:

  1. Income
  2. Market
  3. Asset

Any single business valuation approach or a combination of two or all three approaches may be appropriate for valuing a particular business, depending on the facts and circumstances.


Planning for Your Exit: How Much Is Your Business Really Worth?

Read our article on how to find out what your business is worth—including the wisdom of valuation multiples and steps you can take to maximize the value of your business prior to selling.